Provide a name or number your unit will use to identify this request. (Ex.: OFS Staff salary Increases)
Select your name from the dropdown options. Only ELT members may submit requests for college support. Please email Sharon Herring at if your name should be available for selection, but is not.
Select the type of funding support being requested. ETF support is only available as one-time funding.
With which Dean's unit does this request most align with for co-sponsorship?
Please include a brief description of why college support is needed, the name of the person the funding supports, and fiscal years involved (if multi-year support is being requested). If request is for fellowship living allowance support, please include the start and end dates of the fellowship and the total overall allowance amount (maximum is $3K)
Briefly share how this request aligns with CHASS strategic priorities.
Select the fiscal year for which support is requested, or if the request is for multiple years, the first fiscal year for which support is desired. A fiscal year spans from July of one year to June of the following year.(Ex.: Year 2025 spans from July 2024 to June 2025)
Please use a monetary format and round to the next whole dollar (Example: $x,xxx.00)
If this request is for multi-year support, please select Yes and include the specific details in the description field.
Please provide the project number and amount for the departmental support. (Example: 201999, $2,400.00)
Briefly describe how this hire may enhance achievement of the unit's strategic goals.
Please provide a paragraph highlighting the faculty's alignment and fit with department needs, and his/her stellar work.
If the unit's portion of future Difference in Salary funds will be used to support the proposed salary increase, please select Yes. If not, please select No.
Briefly share how students will be directly impacted by funding of this request.
Please provide any supporting documents. (Example, HR Retention Request Form, HR Plan of Action Form, CV, Fellowship award letter, Startup template, etc.)