Appeal against a decision of a League

Please fully complete the form below and read through the terms and conditions of submitting an Appeal.

Please enter the full club name on which you are submitting this Appeal.

If this relates to a particular team, please enter the team name as it was affiliated, if this does not relate to any particular team or it is an appeal on behalf of a participant please leave this blank.

Select or enter value
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Please enter your full name and your current roles within the club.

please enter your preferred phone contact details.

please enter your preferred email address.

Select or enter value
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Are the League/Competition aware of this Appeal?*

Please let us know if the League/ Competition is aware that you are making this Appeal request.

League/ Competition held up?*

Please can you confirm is the outcome of this decsion is effecting the League or Competition. So for example if the season has ended this decision may be determining the outcome of the final league table, or it could be that this is a decision that is in a cup competition and could effect the next round.

Please confirm the date of the decision letter that you have received confirming the outcome. This will be the correspondence with the leagues sanction that you wish to appeal.

Please confirm which rule or rules you have been charged with by the League/ Competition in respect of this matter. This is normally in your initial charge letter and is sometimes also in your decision letter. This could be a Standard Code of Rule or a Cup Competition rule. If there is no mention of any rules that you have breached, please indicate this.

Initial hearing option*

When you were first charged, you should have been given 4 options on how you wished to respond to the case and what type of hearing you preferred. Please indicate from the option which one you chose. If you were not given these options, please confirm this.

Please enter here what the leagues sanction is in respect of this matter. This could simply be a fine, or may also include the deduction of points, expulsion from a competition, re-ordering a replay, withdrawal of a players registration. Please be as specific as possible with the sanction, including any award, order or sanction that has been imposed.

Grounds for Appeal

The next section will cover what grounds you wish to appeal on. You can choose more than one ground and then explain the reasons for each ground in the section headed 'description of appeal'. If the decision that you are appealing was a decision taken at an SGM - the only ground you can appeal under is unconstitutional conduct. For all other appeals you can use the other four grounds (below). To assist a brief explanation of the grounds are below: * Failed to give the appellant a fair hearing - this ground would be used if you haven't been given an option to have a hearing or that you felt the hearing was unfair in someway. * Failed to comply with the disciplinary procedures relevant to the hearing of the charge - this would be applicable if the charge didn't have the right rule breach or the procedures outlined in the standard code of rules haven't been complied with, so a hearing wasn't given, a charge wasn't issued, the timescales by the league * Came to a decision on the facts of the case which no reasonable body could have reached - this would be used if you believed that based on the facts that were presented no other hearing panel would come to such a decision on the same set of facts. * Imposed an award order or sanction which is excessive - if the fine was in excess of the fines tariff or you have reasons to believe it is excessive for other reasons. The above are just examples if you need some more clarity on these please feel free to contact us and we will advise you further.

SGM/AGM decision*

Due to the grounds of appeal differing with decisions taken at an SGM, please confirm if this was or wasn't a decision as a result of an SGM. To assist SGM's are normally a decision that is taken to expel a club or team from the competition.

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Unconstitutional Conduct (SGM decision only)?
New evidence*

An appeal will be considered based on the same set of evidence and documents that was available to the league/competition at the time of making the decision. If you wish to make an application for new evidence to be considered that was not available to the league/competition at the time then please indicate below.

Request for decision to be set aside?*

If you would like the County FA to consider setting the decision aside pending the appeal outcome please indicate below.

Type of Appeal*

Please indicate if you would prefer the County FA to deal with this appeal by correspondence only or if you would prefer to present your appeal in person.

If you have requested an Appeal in person, this will be held on video conference, we will need to establish a suitable date and time for yourselves and the League to join and conclude the Appeal. Appeals normally take place during the week in the evenings and tend to start at 6:00pm. Please provide us with any dates in the next 5 weeks that are not suitable for you to attend. Please also indicate if you have any requests for the Appeal date and start time.

Please be as descriptive as possible as to the reasons that you wish an appeal to be heard, it would be useful if you could explain in detail on each of the grounds of appeal you have chosen above. If your description requires more characters or you have supporting documents to be considered in relation to this matter, please use the file upload option at the end of the form .

Please confirm the people and their club positions that you intend to represent you at the Appeal, this should be no more than two. (not required if you want a correspondence appeal)

If you have any questions on the Appeal procedure or would like a call back in relation to this Appeal request, please indicate these below?

Appeal Deposit*
I have read and understood the terms & conditions*

Thank you for completing the Board of Appeal request. We will now consider the application and determine that it is valid by checking it is within time and that you have a right to appeal the decision made. If the appeal is valid we will contact you and request that the deposit is paid in full within 3 working days. On receipt of the deposit being received we will then contact the league/competition with a copy of your request and send them all the documents you have submitted and ask them to respond. Once we have done that an Appeal pack will be created and both parties will receive a copy to confirm that they are satisfied that everything has been included. An appeal board will be arranged and depending on the type of Appeal you have requested you may be requested to attend. The decision of the Appeal Board will be final and binding by both parties. The powers that are available to the Appeal Board vary and full details of these can be downloaded in the link below. One of the powers is that any costs incurred as a result of the appeal could be awarded to the defaulting party. These costs can vary and could be awarded in full or part. If your Appeal is unsuccessful and not upheld your hearing deposit would be forfeited. If you appeal is successful the hearing deposit will be returned to you in full. New Evidence applications - if you have requested to submit an application to present new evidence you will be contacted to ask the nature of this and explain the reasons as to why it wasn't available at the original hearing. Once you have submitted the new evidence application, the Chairman will make a judgement on if the reasons for this is accepted, they will not be shown the evidence but just the reasons and a brief overview of what the evidence contains as to establish its importance to the hearing and reason why it wasn't available in the first instance. If accepted the new evidence will be dealt with as a preliminary matter at the appeal and the full details disclosed at that time. please confirm that you have read and understood the above and are happy to proceed with your appeal application.

Full Procedures in this link commencing on page 167 file:///C:/Users/HaMather/Downloads/the-fa-handbook-2021-22-v5.pdf

Please upload any documents relevant to the decision and you wish to be considered.

Drag and drop files here or