Shire of Toodyay Burning Permit Application
A permit to burn is required during the Restricted Burning Period. During the second part of the Period (autumn), preference will be given to primary producers for crop preparation purposes. Please note permits will not be issued for social occasions, burning of rubbish or burning which can reasonably be deferred or avoided.
If issued a permit, it is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure that all details are correct and that all required conditions of the permit are followed. Penalties apply.
Please be advised that permit requests made via this form are only considered/responded to during the Restricted Burning Period.
Please read the following before proceeding.
Required to proceed
Select Application Method
Fire Permits are governed by the Bush Fires Act 1954 and associated regulations. Knowledge of the relevant legislative requirements is essential for the holder. Proof of this knowledge assists the assessing Bush Fire Control Officer in considering the application. All questions below must be answered correctly to proceed with the application.
Select correct answer
Answer incorrect. Try Again.
Please note when requesting a permit based on a previously issued permit you will need to supply the permit number (i.e. 1234-1) and quote the same email address used for the original permit. This feature only available for repeat permits within a given Restricted Burning Period.
The email address provided must match (exactly) the email address used in the original (previous) permit request/issuing.
Address or Lot & Plan Description(s) - please use Landgate Map Viewer to obtain current addresses and/or Lot and Plan numbers. Old or incorrect details may adversely affect or delay the application.
Email is the default method for delivering approved permits. If you do not supply an email address you will be contacted to pick up your permit from the administration centre.
Please provide details of your proposed burn including type of vegetation, size and number of piles.
Please provide details of your proposed burn including type of vegetation and area.
Bush Fires Regulations 15B(2), requires local government is provided four days notice. Permits issued with commencement dates sooner than the minimum notification period will be at the sole discretion of the issuing Bush Fire Control Officer.
Please note maximum duration is 7 days with exception bona fied broadacre stubble burning operations who may apply for up to 28 days. Duration includes excluded days such as Sundays and public holidays.