Course Grading Basis Change Request - Audit

CAMPUSES SERVED: Pullman | Global

STUDENTS: Secure permission from instructor before submitting this form or your request may be denied.

Enrolled students wishing to change the course grading basis from credit to audit, or audit to credit, must submit this form by the end of the third week of instruction per WSU Academic Regulation 20 or by the session deadline indicated on the Session Academic Calendar.

  • Instructor permission is required PRIOR to form submittal. Directly email your instructor for permission.

  • Requests to change course grading basis must be requested by the deadline indicated on the Academic Deadline calendar.

  • Check the 'send me a copy of my responses' at the bottom of the form if you wish to receive a copy of your request.

  • Processing Timelines
  • Credit to Audit - processing begins on first day of term after receipt of approved request.
  • Audit to Credit - processing begins upon receipt of request.

  • Allow 3-5 business days for processing. You will not be notified once processed. Check myWSU in 'View My Classes'.


Which campus are you attending?*

If your campus is not listed, contact the Registrar's Office on the campus of which you attend.


Current = Submitting for currently in progress term.

Future = Submitting for future Fall or Spring term.

Employee Tuition Waiver (ETW) - (Excludes Graduate Assistant (GA) Waivers)*

Are you utilizing the Employee Tuition Waiver (ETW) -- excludes GA waivers.

Y = I am using the ETW and will complete the ETW request form. I understand the ETW is NOT a GRADUATE ASSISTANT waiver.

N = I am a full tuition and fee paying student.

Academic Career*

What type of degree are you pursuing?

Graduate = Master's/Ph.D

Your official WSU Student ID number includes a leading 0. Include the 0 in your entry.

Example: 099999999

Personal email addresses not accepted.



Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: 250.01

Found in myWSU : Main Menu > Manage Classes > Class Search & Enroll

Example: 12432

Caret IconCaret symbol

Do you have an additional change request?*


Caret IconCaret symbol

Example: 250.01

Found in myWSU : Main Menu > Manage Classes > Class Search & Enroll

Example: 12432

Caret IconCaret symbol


Typing your name in the signature box below attests that you are requesting a change to your enrollment as selected above.