Pre-Clinical Elective Submission Form (for New Electives)

This form is for Non‐Clinical Foundational Courses taken during a BCM Student’s pre‐clinical years.


NEW ELECTIVES: To be considered, each elective must be adequately described in writing & suitable supplementary documentation provided. Please review the institutional Core Competency Graduation Goals

to show how your course will help achieve the students Graduation Goals & Objectives. Please also review the Electives Course Catalog. If a similar elective exists, please describe how your proposed elective is unique and different from an existing elective. Please complete all the details below Sections A & B.

ELECTIVE CRITERIA: Please consult the criteria for electives before completing the form.

Please return all completed forms to:

Before completing this form, all changes must be approved by the DLEO. Confirm DLEO review by checking the box below.


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Please indicate which campus you plan to offer this elective.

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I.E. Faculty in charge of elective

Elective Director BCM I.D.

I.E. John Smith (123456)

Course Level

I.E. MD, Master's Program, PhD

Requirements for Consideration

Must include Board Certification if applicable.

In addition, include if applicable:

Earned Doctorate/Terminal Degree in Teaching Discipline or Related Discipline AND/OR Relevant Research/Scholarship Experience

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I.E. Begins in Term I and Ends in Term III

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If a location will be secured at a later date please notify the Office of the Registrar so that we can share the information with students.

I.E. 12 pm - 1 pm


If Blackboard assistance is needed, please contact Billy McKinney (

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I.E. 20 Hours    

Description of Activities  

I.E. Lecture Title/Class Time          

Upload additional page(s) as required.

Each objective must be mapped to the BCM Institutional Core Competency Graduation Goals

Objective; Relevant CCGG; Assessment Method

I.E. Objective: Student will describe algorithms of ACLS; CCGG: 2.6; Assessment Method: Oral Exam

Please indicate how the grade will be comprised. Research & Foundation Courses are graded Pass/Fail. If using any method aside from attendance only (verbal presentation, writing assignment, etc.) include the grading rubric used to assess it.

I.E. Attendance 70%, Writing Assignment 30%

Section B

Please attach schedule of daily activities this should include scheduled lectures/seminars, self‐directed learning time, etc.

Please provide needs assessment data, if done.

Please list the resources needed for this elective.

I.E. Room/Space, Equipment (AV, computers, etc.), Supplies, Fees, SIM Lab or equipment, Standardized Patient utilization, etc.

Please indicate the content area for your elective. This will assist with elective counseling by Learning Community Advisors.

Check all that apply.

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Use this option if you have any supporting documents to add to this form.

Drag and drop files here or