Professional Development Registration Request

(no travel arrangements required)

DoIT Internal Operations

Please submit requests for professional development events which DO NOT require any travel arrangements. If your event requires you to also arrange travel, please use the registration + travel form instead.

If you do require a Fleet Vehicle registration, complete the Fleet Vehicle registration form after completing this form.

Please share the title and dates of the event.

For whom is this request? (Please submit one request per person).

Please select the department connected with this request

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

When is the deadline to register for the event?

Please provide the UDDS for billing

Thorough business purpose demonstrates as to why this is needed and supports the mission of the UW. A business purpose is required so the business need is clear to the auditor. Please spell out all acronyms.            


Please share one or two sentences that describes the business purpose of the purchase.

Please share the dates, cost of training, and any other relevant details to know for completing the request.