Let's talk about the Linear Park project!

The Linear Park redesign and reconstruction project will upgrade Linear Park from the southwest corner of Russell Field to the municipal border near Cameron Ave. The project will upgrade stormwater drainage, planting, lighting, benches, and the paved path surface.

The project aims to design the multi-use path that meets the needs of all users in a way that engages and enhances connections between neighborhoods, retail destinations, and community members. To learn more about the project, sign up for project email updates, visit our website here

To share your thoughts on the multi-use path project, please use the form below. For more information about how we use the data we collect, please view the City of Cambridge privacy statement at: https://www.cambridgema.gov/privacystatement

Thank you for your feedback!

Optional: Tell us a little about yourself!

If you are ready to submit your comments or feedback, you can jump to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit" button to send your feedback along to the project team.

If you have a few extra minutes, the team would appreciate if you could use the following optional survey to give us a little information about you and how you use/would use this path.

Where do you live?
Where do you work?

Optional Demographic Data

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