Nomination & Application

Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Nomination Form

Integrated Virginia Research Training Centers in Kidney, Urology and Hematology (IGNITE KUH)

A collaborative partnership involving three main research training centers

in the Commonwealth of Virginia :

The University of Virginia (UVA)

Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VT)

The IGNITE KUH training program is a multi-institutional, multi-departmental program that aims to

1) increase research training of PhD, MD, MD/PhD, DO (or equivalent) students, residents and postdoctoral fellows in basic and translational aspects of KUH in health and disease;

2) establish an integrated Virginia-wide research training program focused on KUH-diseases; and

3) attract outstanding students and postdoctoral fellows with long-term career interests in basic or clinical research into the IGNITE KUH Training Program.

For questions regarding the KUH NRSA Training Program or the nomination package please contact Charlotta Wriston at NephrologyTL1@virginia.edu

Continuation of this Nomination package assumes that mentor has received assurance from the Nominee that they have or will complete Research Ethics Course and will take all courses and participate in all programmatic events required by the training grant.

If so, Enter "Yes" in the text box below.

Predoc or Postdoc Nomination/Application*

Trainee's Citizenship Status*

The individual to be trained must be a citizen or a noncitizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time of appointment.

(You may select more than one)

a member of a racial or ethnic group underrepresented in health-related sciences (You may select more than one)

Upload Checklist

Mentor & Nominee :

Please work together to provide all four

of the checklist items below

CV is preferred

Nomiee's research aims (1 page): provide a one-line statement for each aim, followed by a summary of the details.

(You may upload multiple attachments)

*** Be sure all four of the required checklist

items are here before you Submit ***

Drag and drop files here or