BioPACIFIC MIP Summer School Application

In-person workshop from July 14-18, 2025

Details and schedule at:

Contact Information

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Workshop Application

Space is limited to 25 in-person attendees; undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, or assistant faculty are eligible to apply.

Applications will be evaluated based on:

  1. Statement of Interest
  2. Statement of Research
  3. CV/Resume
  4. Recommendation from the PI / faculty sponsor

Financial Aid to support transportation expenses is available to attendees from US-based MSIs, PUIs, and non-R1 Academic Institutions.

Please rank each of the Hands-on Workshops in order of preference: 5 - Highest, 1 - Lowest. Ties will be treated as equal priority and assigned based on availability and the preferences of the other attendees.

MicroED: Welcome to the Future of Biomaterials*

Workshop lead: Matthew Mecklenburg

Location: UCLA

Utilizing Automation and Synthetic Biology to Generate New Biomaterials*

Workshop lead: Michael Lake

Location: UCLA

Automate the Bench: Getting Started with High-throughput Synthesis*

Workshop lead: Morgan Bates

Location: UCSB

High-Throughput 3D Printing and Materials Characterization*

Workshop lead: Juan Manuel Urueña Vargas

Location: UCSB

Advanced X-ray Diffraction and Scattering for High-throughput Characterization*

Workshop lead: Youli Li

Location: UCSB

In 200 words or less, please describe your interest in BioPACIFIC MIP and the BioPACIFIC MIP Summer School workshop.

In 500 words or less, please provide a brief description of your current research and how you might leverage the BioPACIFIC MIP platform as part of your project.

Undergraduate applicants: please provide a brief description of any relevant research experiences and how any current research might leverage the BioPACIFIC MIP platform as part of your project (if relevant).

If applicable, include any specific techniques, instruments, or materials you hope to use and whether you plan to bring samples for analysis.

If you could collaborate with someone on your research, what specific expertise or skills would be most helpful in addressing a challenge you’re facing?

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Faculty Advisor Contact Information

Faculty advisor approval is required for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.

Please input email address correctly - a confirmation email will be sent to your sponsoring faculty.

Attendee Demographics

BioPACIFIC MIP is collecting this information from Summer School applicants and attendees for reporting purposes. Submission of this information is voluntary and is not a precondition for attending.

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Which of the following best describes your race? Select all that apply. Please note your race is different from whether or not you identify as Hispanic/Latino. For example, if you are of Hispanic/Latino origin, you may be a mix of American Indian/Alaska Native as well as Caucasian races. If you are not of Hispanic/Latino origin, you may still be a mix of American Indian/Alaska Native as well as Caucasian races. You may select "Unknown" if your race is unknown to you.

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Are you the first generation in your family to earn a bachelor's degree?

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Are you a veteran of the US Armed Forces?

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Do you have any disabilities, defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities?

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