7. I agree that I use the equipment and facilities at my own risk. I further agree that I am voluntarily using the equipment and facilities and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I assume all risk of injury, illness, damage or loss to me or my property.
8. I agree that I will follow all rules of the Maryland Department of Health related to the use of the equipment and facilities, whether posted or not. I acknowledge that such rules may change from time to time. I understand that my failure to follow such rules can result in the revocation of my permission to use the equipment and facilities.
9. I will inspect the equipment and facilities prior to every use and I will not use the equipment and facilities if I believe them to be damaged or defective. I will promptly notify the Maryland Department of Health, Office of Facilities Management and Development, if I believe the equipment and facilities to be damaged or defective.
10. I understand that I am solely responsible for the safe operation of the equipment in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructional manuals and I will familiarize myself with such manuals.
11. I agree to indemnify, save, hold harmless and release the Released Parties from any and all liability, claims and causes of actions, under the laws of any jurisdiction, for any loss or damages to my person or property or to the person or property of another that may result from, or arise in connection with my use of the equipment and facilities.
12. In consideration for the permission to use the equipment and facilities, I have read and do competently, freely and voluntarily execute this Fitness Equipment and Facilities Release of Liability, and I understand its exclusive terms and conditions without reliance upon any statement, representation, promise or inducement of any kind other than as expressly provided herein.