PACK EXPO Southeast 2025

Affiliated Listing Request

Deadline: February 7, 2025

Exhibitors with Affiliated Company(ies) requesting Multiple Show Listings:

Affiliated companies are defined as two or more companies that are legally related entities, e.g. a parent and a subsidiary, subsidiaries of the same parent, a corporation and a division. Affiliated companies do not receive priority points for participating in the show.

Affiliated company(ies) are listed as separate entities in the same booth location as the primary exhibitor company. Affiliates receive their own listing in the directory.

There is a U.S. $750.00 charge for each requested affiliated company listing. Once your request has been processed, the Affiliated company(ies) show contact will receive a payment link from

Affiliated company(ies) will not be approved/confirmed until payment has been received.

Primary Company Information

*Required Fields

The undersigned represents that they are authorized to submit on behalf of the Affiliated Company(ies) and agrees that the Affiliated Company(ies) are subject to the PACK EXPO Rules and Regulations.

Affiliated Company Information

Full company address including street, city, state, postal code and country

This must be a general email.

Multiple Listings? You can add up to 5 affiliated companies on this form by checking "add another". If you have more than 5 total affiliated companies you will need to submit an additional form.

Full company address including street, city, state, postal code and country