Institutional Plan for Distance Education (IPDE) Approvals

This form should be used to submit requests for an initial approval or renewal of an Institutional Plan for Distance Education (IPDE).

For more information about completing the IPDE form and to download the questions, see the instructional guide and worksheet.

Approval Requirements

Initial Approval: Each institution of higher education shall assess its distance education in accordance with the Principles of Good Practice for Distance Education. Institutions must report results of that assessment in an IPDE to Coordinating Board Staff prior to seeking approval to offer distance education programs or certificates.

Renewal: Each public institution of higher education shall assess its distance education on an ongoing basis in accordance with the Principles of Good Practice for Distance Education. Institutions must report results of that assessment in an updated IPDE to Board Staff by the earlier of the following deadlines:

(i) no later than one year after receiving final disposition of the institution's comprehensive renewal of accreditation report from their institutional accreditor as required by 34 CFR §602.19, or

(ii) no later than ten years after the approval of their last IPDE to the Coordinating Board.

See Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 2, Subchapter J, Section 2.205 for details pertaining to the rules for approval of distance education for public institutions.

Institution and Submitter Information

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Please upload the distance education SACSCOC findings and the institutional response provided to SACSCOC in the document upload section of the form.


Complete the following sections by elaborating on each of the select Principles of Good Practice in a manner that demonstrates commitment to the principle. Supplemental documents, links, or other references may be submitted as supporting documentation. Examples are provided for each principle but the list should not be considered exhaustive.

Example evidence:

  • Detailed technology roadmap that includes milestones regarding implementation of systems, expansion of online course offerings and the integration of technology into the program
  • Budget line items allocating funding for IT infrastructure, upgrades, training, and support
  • Staff Development plan focused on technology and online course management
  • Outline of strategies for handling increased enrollment and course offerings
  • Projections for server capacity and network bandwidth as it would relate to increased enrollment and course offerings
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Official strategic plan of the institution with information related to distance education programs
  • Comprehensive list of courses and programs currently offered via distance education, indicating when courses were added to document growth
  • Enrollment data showcasing trends in enrollment, retention rates and pertinent demographic information
  • Plans for online teaching professional development for program faculty to showcase commitment to enhancing the quality of the distance education program.
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Institutional plan for the expansion of online instructional support
  • Institutional plan for instructional design support
  • Institutional plan outlining standards utilized for distance education
  • Explanation of faculty online teaching professional development plans
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Copies or links to the institution’s official academic integrity policies that mention distance education
  • Excerpts of orientation materials provided to students where academic integrity and guidelines for distance education are discussed
  • Documentation of training or workshops attended by faculty and staff which focus on academic integrity in the distance education setting
  • Documentation outlining specific procedures for reporting and resolving academic integrity violations in online courses (This may include simple guidelines, links to live websites or flowcharts detailing the process, among other things.)
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Summaries of online course evaluations that may include feedback from students, faculty, and instructional designers
  • Calendar of periodic review meetings for program assessments, curricula and standards alignment.
  • Relevant program review data and/or the assessment plan for the online program
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Reports which outline the alignment between distance education courses and their in-person counterparts
  • Sample course syllabi and SLOs for both DE and in-person courses noting the similarities and consistencies across delivery modes
  • Assessment data and student performance for both modes of learning which illustrate the achievement of comparable learning outcomes
  • Evidence of external reviews and evaluations of the distance education program highlighting the benchmarking process
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Statistics on completion rates of students enrolled in DE programs
  • Percentage of students who complete online degrees on time compared to those who complete on time in traditional, in-person programs
  • Sample degree plans or academic roadmaps for distance education
  • Documentation of advising sessions and opportunities that DE students receive, or other services provided that help ensure timely completion
  • Schedules for DE courses
  • Documentation showing efforts made to ensure key courses required for degree completion are offered online regularly
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Sample course syllabi for DE courses that involve F2F components and clearly outline expectations, objectives, and a schedule for ANY in-person activities required
  • Program handbooks where requirements for internships, lab work or any other in person activities are provided
  • Evidence of communications to students which include in-person expectations
  • Student agreements/contracts where students agree to expectations set forth during communication regarding in-person requirements
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Evidence of faculty professional development related to distance education programs and courses
  • Documentation showing how faculty members have actively participated in aligning course content with SLOs
  • Feedback collected from faculty about their experiences with curriculum design and course management to show their level of contribution and engagement
  • Data on student outcomes related to courses that have been designed and managed only by faculty
  • Course design standards and/or expectations in online course reviews related to active faculty contributions
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

Example evidence:

  • Accessibility statements in each course syllabus
  • Documentation showing how students request accommodations at the institution
  • Calendar of accessibility audits to be conducted regularly of course content and course management system as well as the plan to address issues
  • Records of accommodation requests made by students and the response to each request
  • Documentation of faculty training regarding accessibility standards and/or best practices annually
  • Plan created to outline how the school will provide access to course content and technologies in alternative formats and/or with assistive technologies
  • Explanation of the educational technology tools the institution uses to assess and address accessibility issues in online courses
  • Excerpts from comprehensive accreditation reports supporting this specific principle

  • Required - SACSCOC Accreditation or Re-Accreditation Report
  • If Applicable - SACSCOC Distance Education Findings & Institutional Response
  • Optional - Additional Evidence Documentation - Please include the question number reference in the title of the document.
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