Institutional Plan for Distance Education (IPDE) Approvals
This form should be used to submit requests for an initial approval or renewal of an Institutional Plan for Distance Education (IPDE).
For more information about completing the IPDE form and to download the questions, see the instructional guide and worksheet.
Approval Requirements
Initial Approval: Each institution of higher education shall assess its distance education in accordance with the Principles of Good Practice for Distance Education. Institutions must report results of that assessment in an IPDE to Coordinating Board Staff prior to seeking approval to offer distance education programs or certificates.
Renewal: Each public institution of higher education shall assess its distance education on an ongoing basis in accordance with the Principles of Good Practice for Distance Education. Institutions must report results of that assessment in an updated IPDE to Board Staff by the earlier of the following deadlines:
(i) no later than one year after receiving final disposition of the institution's comprehensive renewal of accreditation report from their institutional accreditor as required by 34 CFR §602.19, or
(ii) no later than ten years after the approval of their last IPDE to the Coordinating Board.
See Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 2, Subchapter J, Section 2.205 for details pertaining to the rules for approval of distance education for public institutions.