Explus Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey! Near the end of the survey you will be asked to choose a date and time for us to contact you to speak further about your needs, and provide options and prices for your consideration.

Type of Company*

Please choose the option that most closely describes you:

Please tell us what you do:

Where is your business located? (City, Province)

For remote businesses - are you accessible by road, or by plane


Please provide the name of your business and a brief description the services you provide.

Supply Chain Services

I'm interested in Supply Chain Management, specifically, having


If you are interested in our Supply Chain Services, please provide a brief description of the types of items to be


Destination Management

I'm interested in Destination Management, specifically, having Explus provide:

If you are interested in our Destination Management Services, please provide some additional information regarding the number of guests/staff and locations involved, and the frequency of trips in a typical week or month.

Staffing Services

I need staff for my camp or lodge, specifically:

What other staff type do you require?

If you require staff, please indicate how many for each position,

your location, and the anticipated start date.

Who is the best person for us to contact?

Please select the date you would like us to contact you to further discuss your needs.

Preferred time for follow-up:*

Would you prefer that we contact you in the morning or afternoon?

How would you like us to contact you?*

Is there anything we missed? Please ask any additional questions here: