Columbus Book Festival
2025 Food Court Vendor Application
Crowds of book lovers get hungry and thirsty!
Food and beverage vendors are invited to bring their food trucks and beverage tents to Topiary Park for the Columbus Book Festival on Saturday and Sunday, July 12-13, 2025.
Space is limited!
- 15 Food Trucks will be accepted for drive in parking on a paved surface parking lot adjacent to Topiary Park.
- 5-8 additional vendor booths (10'x10' tents or space for small carts) in the Festival Marketplace is available for food and beverage vendors who do not need generators, water supply or electric.
Columbus Book Festival is committed to celebrating a broad range of cultures and cuisines.
Should there be more food vendor applicants than space allows, a selection committee will review applications and select a mix of vendors that together provide a wide range of cuisine for festival attendees.
PLEASE NOTE that this is an APPLICATION for an outdoor food vendor space. Once your application is received and approved by event organizers, you will receive an email to make a payment. Your reservation for the Columbus Book Festival is not confirmed until you have paid in full.
Food Truck Guidelines
- Only Central Ohio-based vendors will be accepted
- City of Columbus vending permit, insurance and inspection required
- Trash, gray water and grease must be removed by the vendor
- Truck mounted generators are required
- Two-day vending required.
- Two day fee: $500 space rental
Food Tent Guidelines
- Only Central Ohio-based vendors will be accepted
- City of Columbus vending permit required
- Pre-packaged or pre-made food items (desserts, snacks, canned/jarred edible items, etc)
- 10'x10' tent with sidewalls, two 6' tables and two chairs will be provided, along with an Exhibitor name sign attached to the tent. You may bring additional signage, exhibit booth set up, etc.
- Two-day vending required. Overnight security is provided.
- Two day fee: $500 tent and space rental
Food Cart Guidelines
- Only Central Ohio-based vendors will be accepted
- City of Columbus vending permit required
- Pre-packaged or pre-made food items
- Cart must not be motorized
- Two-day vending required.
- Two day fee: $250 space rental
Selection/Contracting: Rolling, January-May 2025