Integrated Landowner Services

Information Form

This form is the entry into the DNR's Integrated Landowner Services (One-Stop Shop) Program for private lands assistance encompassing service forestry, regulatory assistance, and community resilience. To expedite assistance, please fill in as much information as possible.

If you do not provide contact information - either a phone number or email address - we will be unable to assist you. If you do not provide a phone number or email address you will not receive a reply.

Are you a landowner filling out this form for yourself?*

You can also find your local service providers through the DNR Find Your Forester Tool.

Assignment and Routing

Method of Initial Contact

Please select the method of communication that the landowner used. If you are the landowner submitting this form, please select "Contact URL."

Forest Management Technical Assistance

Educational Opportunities & Community Outreach

General Forest Management Questions

Forest Planning

Finding a Consultant, Contractor, or Other

Consulting Forester or Contractor

Permits & Regulations

Burn and smoke permits are handled by the local DNR region dispatch office or through the DNR Burn Portal (https://burnportal.dnr.wa.gov ).

Fire Prevention & Preparedness

What information, help, or resources are needed?

Please enter the name of the DNR staff member who spoke to the landowner

If known, which DNR staff will handle this request? If a name is not known, which program?

What date was DNR first contacted?

DNR Region

Which DNR region is the property located in?

Contact Information

Although not required, we cannot provide assistance to you if you do not provide a phone number or email address.

Please enter the owner's name here.

What is the primary phone number for the landowner?


What is an alternate phone number for the landowner?


Please any additional landowner information here. Name, phone number, email address

Property Information

How many acres is the property?

If known, how many acres of the property are forested?

Home Present

Is there a home on the property?

What county is the property located in?

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Does the property have an address?

What is the address of the property?

If different, what is the landowner's mailing address?

What is the parcel number of the property?

What are the coordinates of the property?

What is the nearest town to the property?

What road provides access to the property?

Land Management Information

Does the property have a management plan?

Forest stewardship plan, tax plan, or other.

Type of Management Plan
Has the Management Plan been Approved by DNR?

When was the management plan written or approved?

Are you working with a consulting forester?


Please attach any documents such as management plans, cost-share applications, maps, etc.

Drag and drop files here or

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