Frequently Asked Questions
--Should I apply for a Scholar’s Year if I have a fellowship, such as a Howard Hughes or Doris Duke?
If the fellowship arranges for federal loan deferment, then you should not apply for the Scholar’s Year. This program is designed specifically for students who will not have access to federal loan deferment.
--Should I apply for a Scholar’s Year if I need extra time to remediate or study for Step 1/ Step 2?
No. To plan and carry out an independent project requires an unusually high level of motivation and commitment. Only students in good academic standing with a well-defined project and unequivocal mentor support will be allowed to enter the program.
--Can I apply for the program before I have a faculty mentor or a defined project?
No. A year passes very quickly, and to ensure students’ success, they can apply only once they have a distinct project with well-defined scholarly deliverable. This includes a mentor who understands the scope of the project.
--Can I take time off after any year?
At this time, the Scholar’s Year is available only after LIC year.
--How long can I be in this program?
The Scholar’s Year lasts for one academic year.
--What happens if I lose my mentor during my Scholar’s Year?
You should immediately notify the Scholar’s Year coordinator, the Dean of Student Life, and the Dean of Student Affairs. You should set up a meeting as soon as possible with the Dean of Student Affairs to create an action plan.
--Will I be out of cycle?
No. Students will join the following year’s class and will re-enter fourth year with that class. So if you take a scholar's year, you will become a part of the Class of 2025.
--When should I take Step 2?
We strongly recommend that students take Step 2 at the start of their Scholar’s Year, since clerkships and shelf exams are so important for this exam.
--Can I continue to see my preceptor during the Scholar’s Year?
Yes. Scholar’s Year students have official student status, which provides malpractice and liability coverage. To continue with your FDC preceptor(s), notify the FDC coordinator.
--I will have a fellowship that provides loan deferment. Can I enroll in the Scholar’s Year so that I can get malpractice & liability insurance (that is, so that I can continue seeing my preceptor)?
Currently, there is no provision in the Scholar’s Year program for this circumstance.
--What happens to my appointed or elected position(s)?
You may step down from these positions if you feel that you would be unable to continue effectively during your Scholar’s Year. In this case, notify your committee chair and the co-presidents of your class as soon as your plans are confirmed.
If you are staying in the area and would like to continue as an appointed representative, you may submit a request to your specific committee(s) asking for permission to continue. If you receive permission, notify your class co-presidents. You may be required to run for the position again in an election if your co-presidents feel it is necessary.
Your term of service would end at the end of your original term of service, that is, at the end of your Scholar’s Year. If there is an empty seat in the class you are entering, you could choose to run for the position again.