NOTE: This is a request form only for vehicles that are in the build and looking to be unveils at a NATS event.


As it appears on your licence

As it appears on your licence


Are you the owner of the vehicle or the builder and enquiring on the owner's behalf? Let us know.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol


Let us know your preference of event. Note, Summernats 37 & MotorEx 24 unveils are booked out.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Let us know your preference of event. Note, Summernats 37 & MotorEx 24 unveils are booked out.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol


To help our Elite Judging Team, please provide as many details as possible on your unveil.

This will help our team determine which event is best for you to unveil at.

Inspiration for the unveil, illustrations of the design, colour examples, in the build photos. Whatever you have!

Drag and drop files here or

This form is a request form only. I will be contacted directly with my options for unveiling and sent more information once my unveil location has been approved.

I understand that unveiling at one of these events: SUMMERNATS, ROCKYNATS, RED CENTRENATS, MOTORVATION, MOTOREX are generally booked over 12 months in advance and my first preference of unveil may not be available for the next event.

I understand that unveil builds are not to be published online and are not to be seen by public until the event.