No-Cost Extension (NCE) Request

This completed form will be routed to your SPS Post-Award Sponsored Projects Administrator (SPA). Use this form to request a No-Cost Extension (NCE) on an award. Complete the required fields below to initiate the request and submit it to SPS. If multiple projects or accounts are associated with your award, please note that you should only submit one NCE for each award. The request will be submitted per sponsor guidelines by SPS once approved.

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Post-Award SPA Team*

Note: if the current award end date is less than 45 days from the date of this request, you will need to attach a justification with this form submission at the bottom of this form.

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Will this no-cost extension require either a change in effort or impact the scope of work of the project?*
Will a re-budget be required for any reason?*

If yes, attach a revised budget with this form submission at the bottom of this form.

Note that subawards cannot be extended past the Prime Award end date.

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