Recertification Information

Please complete the following information. Once the form is submitted you will be contacted with Recertification Requirements for required area.

Area for Recertification

General Information:

A. The recertification fee is $150.00. Once you submit the application, MG&A will send you an invoice for the recertification fee. Please do not submit the fee until MG&A invoices you. The new certificate will be valid for THREE YEARS. B. It is critical to understand that the documents you submit for recertification in any of the three areas will be reviewed as a “Meets Standards for Recertification” or “Does Not Meet Standards for Recertification”. Your initial certification involved you working with a mentor who guided you through the certification process. Editing your materials was part of the initial certification process. RECERTIFICATION IS A REVIEW TO DETERMINE IF YOU CONTINUE TO MEET THE STANDARDS. MENTORING IS NOT PROVIDED, AND EDITS ARE NOT ACCEPTED AFTER YOU HAVE SUBMITTED YOUR DOCUMENTS FOR REVIEW. PLEASE CHECK YOUR DISCOVERY AND/OR JOB DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS CAREFULLY BY USING THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS CHART.