ADSY COVID Staffing Waiver Request

To meet the Additional Days School Year (ADSY) 180 instructional day requirement, TEA will be granting waivers at the campus level for days that are missed due to low numbers of staff necessary for the operation of schools and for the instruction of students resulting from COVID-19.

TEA will grant up to 5 waiver days for campuses hosting ADSY so that campuses can still meet their 180 instructional day calendar requirement. LEAs will need to submit this form to request a waiver for the campuses needing the waivers and stipulate the staff situation with a clear rationale for the need to not provide in-person instruction due to the impact of COVID-19 on campus staff.

LEAs submitting a request for the ADSY COVID Staffing Waiver must still meet the 75,600 operational minute requirement for all associated campuses.