PRIDE Experience Award Selection Committee Member Submission Form

As a PRIDE Experience Award Selection Committee Member your responsibilities are:

  • 1-year commitment to vote in each quarterly awarding cycle:
  • 4 voting periods per year
  • Complete voting cycle at your convenience over the course of 5 business days
  • Attend a virtual kick-off meeting (Friday, March 22nd, 9-10:30am)
  • Promote the PRIDE Experience Award/Team Recognition nomination process within your department/division
  • Keep nominations confidential

For more information, please visit the PRIDE Experience Award Selection Committee website

Committee Member Contact Information

Please complete the contact information for the committee member

If you are nominating a team member, list their name.

If you are nominating a team member, list their last name.

If you are nominating a team member, list their email address.

If you are nominating a team member, list their title.

If you are nominating a team member, list their department.

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Referral Information

Please complete this section if you are nominating someone else to be part of this committee