Academic Equivalency Interest Information Form
An academic equivalency is a way for students to prove their knowledge of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook without taking the INCOSE knowledge exam. This form is for the initial application for universities to offer INCOSE certification through their coursework. This form should not be filled out by individual students, but rather by faculty and university representatives.
Please note that in order to be recognized with academic equivalency, your University / Institute must be an academic member of INCOSE’s Corporate Advisory Board or have a special arrangement with an MOA chapter’s Corporate Advisory Board. INCOSE’s MOA chapters are located in Australia, France, Germany, Korea, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United Kingdom. If you are not yet a member, please continue to fill out this form, you do not need to be a member of the Academic Council before filling out this form but will need to join after INCOSE approves your program. Filling out this form is simply expressing your interest in our academic equivalency program, it does not start any timeline. The next steps, as our Certification Office will inform you once you submit this Form, will be to complete the Application Form (Form51) and Course Mapping (Form 53).
If you have any questions on joining the Corporate Advisory Board, please send an email to for further information. If you have any questions on how to complete the forms, please send an email to for further information.
Finally, thank you for applying! We look forward to working with your University / Institute to promote the growth of the system engineering practices!