Transfer Summary Report Student Update Request
Please complete the form below if you are requesting any updates or changes you would like reflected on your Transfer Summary Report (TSR). The purpose of this form is to notify our office that an update needs to be made to your transfer record.
We will contact you within 15 business days via the email you provide. We will attach your updated Transfer Summary Report there, or let you know if we require any further documentation / information. Please know response times may be extended during the below peak Transfer Summary Report times.
Spring Onboarding ( December - January)
Fall Onboarding ( May - August)
Updates to your transfer evaluation will be completed two times:
- Before your SOAR / Academic Advising appointment
- Mid-October for fall students & Mid-February for Spring Students
Please do not complete a form unless instructed otherwise by your advisor as we will be checking your record during the above designated times.
OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT NOTICE: Do not open your official transcript to attach it to this form. The below form is for notification purposes only. All official transcripts must be sent to the Office of Admissions at the following address: 406 Penn St., Camden, NJ 08102