Solicitor / Free Speech Request

Please select from the following:

  • Free Speech Area use
  • Non-Profit
  • Merchandise based vendor
  • Client/service/marketing vendor
Request Type*

Education Code

California Education Code Section 48907(b) states:

"The governing board or body of each school district or charter school and each county board of education shall adopt rules and regulations in the form of a written publications code, which shall include reasonable provisions for the time, place and manner of conducting such activities within it's respective jurisdiction."

The College has set policies by which all members of the public shall abide by while on campus. See below for specific provisions.

For-profit and non-profit organizations that are asking for contributions are categorized as commercial solicitors. Any requests for funding, or selling ting raffle tickets are considered sales.

Please make your check payable to Foothill College, Student Activities

Merchandise based vendors:

(Selling books, clothing, CDs, jewelry, watches, etc.)

$30.00 per day (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.)

Client/service/marketing based vendors

(marketing cell phones, discounts, insurance, legal aid, memberships, newspapers, etc.)

$60.00 per day (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.)

Non-Profit solicitors

(Charities or other non-profit organizations requesting donations, selling raffle tickets, etc.)

$15.00 per day (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.)

Regulations regarding time, place and manner

In order to provide an atmosphere in which groups and organizations can function without disrupting the College's curricular programs, the Governing Board places the following restrictions on the time, place and manner of non-curricular activities at Foothill College (Ref: CA Ed. Code 48907 sec b, CA Ed. Code 76120 & AP 5550.3, and Title 5, VIII. & 42350.5

Therefore, No person shall:

  • Impede the progress of passersby.
  • Harass, detain or otherwise try to coerce anyone to take material or make transactions.
  • Interfere with, impair, or impede the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, classes, events or normal and essential college operations.
  • Use amplified sound or music of any type.

NOTE: We are not longer able to accept applicants from banking institutions excluding those in a currently established contractual relationship with the college.

Vendor Agreeement

I understand that upon approval of this request, my organization is required to keep a signed copy of this agreement while on campus. I understand that I, and the organization that I represent, will be responsible for following all state laws and district policies as listed above.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, and agree to abide by, state laws and the Foothill-De Anza Community College District policies. With my signature, I affirm that anyone affiliated with my organization is responsible for adhering to all of the aforementioned policies while on campus.

Merchandise based vendors:

(Selling books, clothing, CDs, jewelry, watches, etc.)

$30.00 per day (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.)

Free Speech Area Agreement

I understand that upon approval of this request, my organization is required to keep a signed copy of this agreement while on campus.

I understand that no table or chairs are allowed (this area is also a fire lane), although hand-held signs are permitted (no banners); and that I, and any representatives of my organization are allowed to distribute or collect information from within the Free Speech Area only. I understand that if I, or those associated with my organization are soliciting outside of the designated Free Speech Area, we may be asked to leave the college premises. I understand that I am responsible for purchasing appropriate parking permits for my organizations' representatives.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, and agree to abide by, state laws and the Foothill-De Anza Community College District policies. With my signature, I affirm that anyone affiliated with my organization is responsible for adhering to all of the aforementioned policies while on campus.

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