BRFSS Data Use Agreement and Data Policy

Policy and Procedure for External Requests and Access to Public Use Maryland BRFSS Data Files

Version Date: 2024

The Maryland BRFSS Coordinator completes analysis of the Maryland BRFSS data upon request. If you would like to request data not available through the online data query system ( or on the website

(, please e-mail the Maryland BRFSS program at If your project requires access to the Maryland BRFSS data file, the Maryland Department of Health grants access upon approval by the Maryland BRFSS Steering Committee. This document describes the process and timeline for making requests and includes all required forms.

Maryland BRFSS data files are available by calendar year. Requesters will generally be provided with a version of the raw data file which includes only requested variables and excludes certain variables due to the sensitive nature of the data and/or data suppression requirements set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data items excluded from the data file include, but are not limited to: ZIP code of residence, data collection information beyond unique identifier, sub-categories of race variables (e.g. Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, etc. within the Asian or Pacific Islander race), data collected during respondent selection (including telephone number), and questions with insufficient responses to surpass data suppression requirements when analyzed by demographics at the state level (e.g. gender identity). If a request is approved, data must be destroyed or returned exactly one year after approval has been granted.

All requests must include a complete application and signed data use agreement to be considered. Failure to provide all requested information will result in delays.


Data file requests will be acknowledged upon receipt of the online data file request form.

I. Data file requests will undergo a multi-step internal review process over a two-week period. The BRFSS Coordinator may reach out to you to request additional information at any time during the review process.

II. The BRFSS Coordinator will provide an approval decision within two weeks of request.

III. The BRFSS Coordinator will provide the data file(s) within 1 to 2 weeks of approval. The time to produce the file will vary by size of the request and other programmatic activities.

To request access to Maryland BRFSS Public Use Data Files, please complete the application.

Please note: All fields are required. Failure to provide required information may delay processing your request.

Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Data Use Agreement

This agreement establishes the terms and conditions under which the data recipient and other analysts as stated in this application can acquire and use the Maryland BRFSS data set(s) requested with this application.

a. The period of this agreement shall extend for one calendar year from the approval date, at which time it may be renewed by the Maryland BRFSS Steering Committee upon request.

b. The data recipient agrees to only use the data set(s) for the purposes described in this application.

c. The data recipient has the qualifications necessary to analyze complex survey data.

d. The data recipient agrees to work collaboratively with the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator to understand and adhere to BRFSS data analysis and suppression requirements. At a minimum, this will include attending a preliminary meeting or call with the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator. The data recipient also agrees to consult the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator on any data use or analysis questions.

e. The data recipient agrees to suppress (i.e. neither share nor publish) data based on fewer than 50 survey respondents (i.e. unweighted denominator for percent calculation is less than 50); the data recipient agrees to suppress data which has a relative standard error of 30.0% or greater (i.e. coefficient of variation greater than or equal to 0.300.)

f. The data recipient has obtained approval from the Maryland Department of Health Institutional Review Board (IRB) for any analysis that might be considered research and provided a copy to the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator.

g. The data recipient has obtained approval from his or her own institution’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) for any analysis that might be considered research and provided a copy to the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator.

h. The data recipient agrees to use appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to prevent use or disclosure of the data set(s) other than as provided for by this agreement.

i. The data recipient agrees to only share the data set(s) with the analyst(s) named in this application. The data recipient agrees not to release data to any other third party without prior written approval from the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator.

j. The data recipient agrees to only share, publish, or otherwise release any findings or conclusions derived from analysis of the BRFSS data set(s) through the specific reports and publications described in the recipient’s application and with prior review and approval from the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator before their release.

k. The data recipient agrees to include the following disclaimer on any reports or publications, if applicable: This publication utilizes data provided by the Maryland Department of Health, Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Program; collected under guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and analyzed by MDH Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Maryland Department of Health or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

l. The data recipient agrees to notify the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator immediately upon having reason to know or suspect that a data breach, unauthorized data use, or confidentiality violation has occurred.

m. All data shall remain the property of the Maryland BRFSS Program, and the data recipient agrees to return the data set(s) to the Maryland BRFSS Coordinator or destroy the data set(s) upon termination of this agreement or the end of the project.

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