2024 Winterization Sign Up

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How many engines does your boat have?
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Transportation service

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Pick up boat at ramp -- $189.00

We will me you at the ramp of your choosing haul the boat out and transport back to our shop for the winter. If we will be utlizing your trailer for the hual out please ensure the trailer is in our possesion at least 1 week prior to scheduled haul out date. Distance fees may apply.

Valet haul out of boat -- $388.00    

With our valet haul out service we will send 2 technicians to your house and drive the boat around to the ramp. We then will load the boat on the trailer and transport back to the shop for winterization. If we will be utlizing your trailer for the haul out please ensure the trailer is in our possesion at least 1 week prior to scheduled haul out date. Distance fees may apply.

Do you have your own trailer? If you do please check the box below if not please leave unchecked.

Distance fees may be assesed based on ramp location

Tier 1 (Ramp Labeled T1) -- Included in hual out & valet fee

Tier 2 (Ramp Labeled T2)-- $85.00

Tier 3 (Ramp Labeled T3)-- $170.00

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Winterization Services

Winterization of Outboard Engine -- Oil change included

This includes the following services; Upper and lower oil change, Fuel water sperator replacement; adding fuel stabilizer to engine; Running the engine on our shop tank to circulate Yamaha EFI Fogging oil; Spray down engine with corrosion blocker; Pull the prop and grease the shaft; Charge and disconnect the battery; Yamaha V8 outboards will be filled with antifreeze.

Winterization of Yamaha four stroke 200hp & under -- $425 + parts & fluids

This charge includes 2.5 hours of labor & unbilled shop supplies (Grease, Anti-Corosion spray, Fogging oil, Winterization Gas, Etc)

Winterization of Yamaha four stroke 225hp to 350hp -- $510.00 + parts & fluids

This charge includes 3 hours of labor & unbilled shop supplies (Grease, Anti-Corosion spray, Fogging oil, Winterization Gas, Etc)

Winterization of Yamaha four stroke V8 outboard -- $680.00 + parts & fluids

This charge includes 4 hours of labor & unbilled shop supplies (Grease, Anti-Corosion spray, Fogging oil, Winterization Gas, Etc)

price per engine

Winterization of Fischer Panda generator -- $1020.00 + Parts & Fluids

This includes the following services; Generator oil change and water pump impeller change. Fuel Filter change, Cleaning and servicing the sea strainer, running antifreeze through the generator. Once this is complete genterator battery will be charged and disconnected. This charge includes 6 hours of labor; parts & fluids will be additional.

Preventitive Maintenance

Engine Anode Replacement (Recomended every 2 years) -- $85.00 + Parts

Engine anode include the cavitation plate anode above the prop and the bracket anode below the trim system. Engine anodes are a cruicial part of protecting your boat from corrosion related damage and failures. This charge includes .5 hours of labor parts are additional.

Spark Plug Replacement (recommended every 2 years) -- $85.00 + Parts

Spark plugs are a major cause of boat down time during the summer season. We recommend replacing spark plugs every 2 years to prevent unnessesary down time during our short boating season. This charge includes .5 hours of labor parts are additional.

Vapor Seperator Tank Service (Recomended every 2 years) -- $425.00 + Parts

Vapor seperator tanks are located on the side of your engine under the intake manifold. They house your High pressure fuel pump, your fuel cooler, and a series of filters. Our #1 cause of down time during the boating season is issues with the VST tank. During the Vst cleaning with remove the pump and replace all VST filters, additionally we clean your fuel cooler located on the back side of the vapor seporator tank. these passages become clogged with sand and corrosion durring the life of the engine. Regular servicing of the VST tank will prevent unnessesary down time during your summer boating season. This charge includes 2.5 hours of labor parts are an additonal charge.

Water Pump & Thermostat Replacement (Recommended every 3 years) -- $595.00+ Parts

Water pumps are a rubber impeller located inside of the lower unit of your outboard. During the life of the engine this rubber impellers begin to get memory causing water flow to decrease and the rubber begins to dry rot. We recomend replacing the water pump every three years. During a water pump replacement in addition to the rubber impeller we also replace the plastic housing, driveshaft seals and anti knock washers. This charge includes 3.5 hours of labor parts are additional. 1 Additional hour of labor will be assed on XF425 or XF450 Yamahas.

Timing Belt Replacement (Recommended every 5 years) -- $850.00 + Parts

Timing belts connect all the moving components of the engine together. Over time these belts will begin to break down and will begin to leave a fine black dust under the cowling. Once this begins to happen the timing belt is due for replacment. Durring this process will we also replace the idler and tensioner pullies. As the pullies age they will begin to discharge their grease resulting in the pully locking up. If either of these problems occur the resulting damage will include damage to pistons and vales resulting in total engine failure. This charge include 5 hours of labor parts are additional.

Water Systems

Water System Winterization

During the winterization of your water systems, we will winterize all water systems on the boat including, fresh water systems, raw water wash downs, fish box macerators, and head holding tank and associated macerators. Seakeepers, Air conditioners, hot water heaters, & generators will be an additional charge. Failure to properly winterize water systems may result in pumps becoming damaged or broken. Damage from freezing is not covered under any manufacturer or system warranty.

23 feet and under -- $125.00

This charge includes .5 hours of labor and 4 gallons of antifreeze, If additional antifreeze is needed it will be billed at $10.00 per gallon.

24 Feet to 30 Feet -- $355.00

This charge includes 1.5 hours of labor and 10 gallons of antifreeze, If additional antifreeze is needed it will be billed at $10.00 per gallon.

31 Feet to 35 Feet -- $460.00

This charge includes 2 hours of labor and 12 gallons of antifreeze, If additional antifreeze is needed it will be billed at $10.00 per gallon.

Waste Tank disclosure

I understand that my holding tank must be pumped out or empty prior to bringing the boat in for winterization If it is not pumped out a fee of $510.00 (3 hours of labor) will be charged to transport the boat to a pump out location, pump the holding tank out and transport back to the shop.

Additional requests

If you have any additional requests for work to be performed, please make note below.

Yard Services

Yard services include Power washing, Blocking and Storage. If you do not have your own trailer you will need to be blocked in our yard. If your boat is bottom painted power washing will be required. The storage pricing is for a 6 month period.

Select all services that apply

I understand that while my boat is in storage at Rt 113 boat sales I must maintain insurance on my boat. I understand Rt 113 boat sales is not liable for any equiptment and/or property that is lost or stolen while stored at Rt 113 boat sales. By checking this box you are stating you understand the terms of this storage agreement.

Shrink Wrap Services

All shrink wrap jobs will be billed for 4 Stay Dry Packs, 3 Mold Preventers and 3 Vents. Shrink wrap is a per foot charge billed as follows.

Shrink wrap of boat 26ft & under -- $26.00

Shrink wrap of boat 27ft to 35ft -- $29.00    

Wish List Items

The winter season is a great time to upgrade your boat. Below are some options for upgrades. All upgrades will be quoted prior to completion and billed out as they are complete.

Wireless Phone Charger

Wireless phone chargers can be installed on you boat to provide easy charging for your mobile device as well as a dedicated spot to secure your phone while running. If interested we can provide a quote for install.

Electronics Upgrade

The offseason can be a great time to upgrade your boat. Utilizing your down time is benneficial for upgrades and improvements to your boat as it prevents the impact to your already short boating season. If interested in upgrading your electronics , we can provide a quote to do so over the winter season.

Stereo Upgrade

As a JL Audio Marine Dealer, we offer a wide selection of speakers subwoofer and amplifiers. if you are interested in changing, upgrading or adding onto your stereo system. Let us know and we will provide a quote for your new stereo.

Thank you for signing up for winterization

Please check the box below and enter your email if you would like a copy of your responces for your records.