Off Campus Use of Equipment Agreement
The above "Owning Department" agrees, for the benefit of SDSU Research Foundation, to allow off campus use of equipment by:
The equipment described below will be used for official SDSU Research Foundation business and/or academic activity. Please provide the location where the equipment is primarily housed, including a home residence.
The equipment will be located off campus during the following period (Not to be more than three (3) years).
The starting date of the agreement.
The ending date of the agreement.
1) Lost Equipment: The Owning Department acknowledges that it shall remain the responsible party for any lost equipment authorized for off campus use. The User must immediately notify SDSURF's Inventory Coordinator (619-594-0591 or of any lost equipment. In addition, an SDSURF Lost Computer Inventory Form must be filed with SDSURF within 48 hours if the lost property is a computer.
2) The User will be required to allow SDSURF to physically inspect the equipment as part of the periodic inventory process.
3) Said equipment is subject to immediate return at the request of SDSURF. Transportation costs, if any, shall be the responsibility of the Owning Department.
Fill in the Asset Tag, Description, and Serial Number for each item. Type N/A under Tag Number if item has no tag e.g. monitor. Also attach any supporting documents.