2025 MMSS Sophomore Application
Candidates who wish to be considered for sophomore-entry to Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences must submit this form including two PDFs (essay questions and an unofficial transcript) plus a letter of recommendation should be emailed to MMSS.
1. Submit the online application form below. Please attach a PDF of your essay questions to this form.
2. Submit a copy of their UNOFFICIAL Northwestern transcript with winter quarter grades to this form with the essay PDF. Instructions for generating a transcript can be found at this link: https://www.northwestern.edu/ses/staff/student-records/generating-unofficial-transcripts.html
3. Arrange for one letter of recommendation from a NU professor to be sent to MMSS. The letter should be sent directly from the professor by email to mmss@northwestern.edu.
Transfer students can source letters from their current school's faculty. Submission deadline for all three items is 11:59pm on April 1.