By submitting this form you are hereby agreeing to all statements below:
• I own the business that has been submitted for consideration in Cape Cod 5’s "Small Business Highlight Campaign".
• As the business owner, I give Cape Cod 5 permission to use, reuse, copy, edit, abridge, publish, display, exhibit, reproduce, copyright and distribute your photo(s) in whatever form including, but not limited to, digital, for Cape Cod 5’s purposes without notifying me.
• I agree that Cape Cod 5 may identify my business and me by name.
• I release Cape Cod 5 from all liability for any claims and/or demands arising out of its use of any photo(s) and/or other information submitted.
• Open to Cape Cod 5 business customers. Cape Cod 5 will act in its sole discretion when determining the business(es), if any, included in the “Small Business Highlight Campaign".