Hands-on Training on Biotic Stress Resistance Evaluation
Course Overview
Biotic stresses due to pests and diseases are dynamic, and their occurrence is influenced by several factors, such as host genotype, cropping practices, and extreme weather events brought about by climate change. Major diseases caused by pathogens, and nematodes and insect pests, such as brown planthoppers, green leafhoppers and stemborers, reduce rice yields in different ecosystems, if these are not properly assessed and managed.
The use of host plant resistance is generally considered as the most economical, practical and environment-friendly strategy for pest management. It enables farmers to reduce yield losses, improve productivity and profitability without reliance on pesticides, which becomes increasingly important in the face of climate change. However, robust screening protocols are often lacking or not standardized. Hence, capacity development on the protocols used at IRRI for evaluation of resistance to biotic stresses will facilitate the identification and selection of resistant genotypes. A standard protocol will facilitate collaboration among different institutes. Acquiring skills in the evaluation of rice genotypes to biotic stresses is crucial for developing pest management strategies.
This two-week hands-on training course is designed to equip the participants with experiential skills in identification, collection, isolation, and evaluation of damages caused by major rice pests and diseases through immersive and applied learning.
Learning Modality
The course will be delivered face-to-face through a mixed modality of synchronous and asynchronous discussions with hands-on exercises in the laboratory, greenhouse, and open concrete beds, and field trips.
Training Duration
Pre-Training Activity: 16 October 2024 via zoom | 2:00-4:00, PM Philippine Standard Time
Training: 21-31 October 2024 | 14 days, Philippine Standard Time
Deadline of Application: 31 August 2024
Course Fee
Non-IRRI participants – USD 1,570
IRRI External participants – USD 1,397
IRRI Internal participants – USD 797