Women’s Professional Leagues Limited (WPLL)

Complaints Form

Please complete this form if you wish to make a complaint to Women’s Professional Leagues Limited (WPLL).

To report discriminatory abuse please click here.

To report a safeguarding concern please click here.

Please provide your full name.

Please also let us have your email for contact purposes, including confirming receipt of your complaint.

We may need to contact you in relation to this complaint so please let us know your best contact phone number.

We have a legal duty to provide reasonable adjustments, so please don’t be afraid to ask for help if you think you need it.

Please let us know the reason you need an adjustment and any possible adjustments which could help you

Complaint Details

Please provide full details of the complaint you wish to make, please be as descriptive and factual as you can.

Please indicate your desired outcome of this complaint. This may take the form of an apology, a change in the procedure at WPLL, or an alternative option. If you are unsure of the outcome you desire, please state this.

Please upload any supporting evidence such as photos/videos or more information.

Drag and drop files here or

Click here to view our privacy notice.

The Football Supporters Association (FSA) is the national, democratic, representative body for football supporters in England and Wales. Please click here to find out how they could support you.

Click here to view the unreasonable actions guidelines.

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