Idaho State University Honors Program Application ~ Current ISU Student Application

Complete this application if you are currently attending ISU as an undergraduate student.

Admission Criteria

Must have a minimum GPA of 3.5

- AND-

Must have completed

  • at least 26 college/university credits. (Does not include AP credits or Early College/Dual Enrollment courses taken in high school.)
  • the equivalent of ENGL 1101 with a grade of B or better.

Please note: For admittance to the UHP students must be pursuing a Bachelor's degree and attend the ISU campus in Pocatello.

Please provide your ISU student number.

If you have a nickname or alternative name that you go by, please let us know.

Check the box if you are not a United States citizen.

Include the area code: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

If you require additional space, please attach an electronic PDF file using the FILE UPLOAD BOX below.

One Letter of Reference is Required

The letter must come from a non-related individual who can speak to your academic abilities (e.g., instructor, advisor).

It is your responsibility to inform the letter writer to email the letter to with your name in the subject line.

Provide the name of the person who will write your letter of reference.

Provide an email address for your referee.

Personal Statement

Other notes:

We will consider both the content of the statement, and the writing quality and style.

If your GPA or test scores are below the stated minimums, please address that in your personal statement.

Attach your Personal Statement file using the FILE UPLOAD BOX located below.

Check the box below to acknowledge that you read these instructions.

**Applications missing any of the above required supporting documents will not be considered.**



Upload PDF or image files only.

Use the following format to name your files: (your last name and first initial)_(document type)




You can upload files of your leadership experience, club involvement, and personal statement here.

You can upload as many as 10 PDF files.

Paper documents can be sent by postal mail to:

Idaho State University

University Honors Program

921 S. 8th Ave., Stop 8010

Pocatello, ID 83209-8010.

You can also email files of your required documents to:

*Your name must be in the subject line of the email.

Drag and drop files here or

Optional Questions

The following questions are intended to allow you to provide us with additional information about yourself. These questions are optional, your responses will not be considered as part of your admittance decision to the Honors program, and your answers are confidential. Only approved Honors staff will see your answers.

You are a first generation student if neither of your parents have earned or completed a four year college or university degree (e.g., a Bachelor's Degree).

If you are a First Generation Student, please check the box below.

Select all that apply or write in an answer.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Select all that apply or write in an answer.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Select all that apply or write in an answer.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

If you are accepted into the Honors Program, you will be assigned to a trained Peer Mentor. Typically we match you to a Mentor based on your Degree/Major (e.g., biology, psychology, health science, business, etc.).

However, if you prefer to be matched with a Peer Mentor based on similar identities (such as gender identity, race, ethnicity, and/or sexuality) or lived experiences (such as low-income, first generation college student, or first/second generation immigrant) please let us know in the space below.