UCOP 2022 Flu Clinic Sign Up - October 12th and 19th

The flu shot clinic at the UCOP will be taking place on Wednesday October 12th from 10-12pm and October 19th from 9-10am in Lobby 2.

Please only fill out this form if you plan on attending on either one of the dates indicated as we need an accurate count of vaccines to UCSF to bring. Thank you!

Which flu shot clinic date are you interested in attending? October 12th or October 19th?
Are you over the age of 65?

UCSF has asked us to provide a list of any employees over 65 wanting to participate in the flu vaccine clinic so they know how many doses to bring for those individuals.

Do you have an allergy to eggs?

The flu vaccines for this clinic are preservative free and individuals with severe egg allergies will not be able to participate in this event.