Program Change Request Form
Please provide a brief description of your request. Examples: New/Updated/Retired Program/Plan Name, Curriculum/Requirement Change, Description Change, Change to Program Modality/Format.
Choose "Minor or Concentration" for minors, tracks, concentrations, or any sub-plans being requested for administrative purposes.
If you selected "other" as the request scope, please provide a
brief description.
Provide details of your request. Examples: New CIP Code is, Change Description to, New Delivery Method of, Inactivate the following program, etc.
Enter "Do Not Display" if this item will not display on the transcript.
Instructions: Please provide the format/modality as published in your catalog. For traditional, in-person or on-premise programs, you may leave this field blank. Examples: Traditional, Full Residency, Low Residency, Online, Hybrid, Distance, etc.
Instructions: Do not include exams, orientation, instructional support, and other non-instructional activities in this calculation
Instructions: This would include practicums, simulation labs, field placements, and other non-instructional activities.
Please only select yes if the program is structured so that the student must take two or more online courses in one term. This does not include students being able to take multiple courses online of their own volition.
Provide details of the teach out plan here or upload supporting document in the "file upload" section.
Provide all available documentation to support your request (Department Approval Letter/Email, Provost Approval, SACS Acknowledgement/Approval, Program Proposal, etc.)
All requests must be submitted to ARC before your request will be processed by OUR. If you answer no to this question, your request will remain in the queue but will not be processed until you send a follow up email to confirming ARC has been notified/approved.