Course Review for Potential Students

This form was created to allow potential students who do not see their course in the ECU Course Equivalency Tool to submit the course for articulation review.

Please allow up to 2 weeks to see your course appear in the ECU Course Equivalency Tool.

You may enter more than one course in this form.

This is so we know who you are!

This is so we can email you the decision on your course submission.

Please enter the college or university where you took the course(s). Be as specific as possible, using the institution's full name.

Please enter the year(s) you attended the college or university. This is an important piece of information to assist us in finding the course in your college or university's catalog. Courses are often renamed or removed from catalogs.

Please enter the course or course(s) you took that you'd like to see reviewed for credit, that don't currently appear in the ECU Course Equivalency Tool.

Enter the courses as they would appear on a transcript, without the section number. You may also include the course title if you believe that will assist us in review.

If there's anything else you feel like we need to know, add it here.

We will do our best to get back to you within 48-72 hours on most of these requests, but some departments may take longer to review a course for direct equivalency.

Please note: any college level course from an institutionally accredited college or university, where you earned a "C-" or higher, will transfer to ECU. If there is not a direct equivalent, the course will transfer as a 1XXX, 2XXX, or 3XXX "elective" course. These courses may be used to substitute for General Education or Major courses.

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