Cost Share Commitment Form
A separate form must be completed for each department, school, or college committing cost share funds.Cost sharing commitments will be in accordance with UNM Business Policies and Procedure 2430 entitled “Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects.” This form must be completed for all proposals which indicate cost sharing whether cash or in-kind, and whether mandatory or voluntary. Voluntary cost sharing included in proposals becomes a contractual obligation, whether or not the final
award references the cost share, and hence, is discouraged.
Indicate the sources of funds for the cost sharing. FOM and Residual are the preferred departmental sources. The commitment may
not be restricted funds (example: Contract or Grant revenue).
The approval of the Department Chair is required. The Chair hereby indicates in the PreAward Proposal phase that there is an available source of funds for this cost share. After award, the Fiscal Monitor in Contract & Grant Accounting will request a specific unrestricted index number for the transfer of cost share funds from the Department Accountant listed in this form, with a courtesy copy to the PI. No response or reply within 10 business days indicates the Chair approves the transfer from the Chair's residual index. The transfer of funds will occur within each appropriate fiscal year. The Fiscal Monitor will email the Department Accountant and the PI ten (10) business days prior to each transfer.