2022 James “Bobo” Horam Team Recognition Nomination Form

2022 James “Bobo” Horam Team Recognition Nomination Form

We are excited to give you this opportunity to recognize an outstanding team that provides great services to either one or more individuals. When writing your nominations please consider all the people that contribute to the successes you share. This might include entire teams who should be nominated as a unit (nominate the entire house/dept, not just a few individual staff), teams working at houses, or in a day program, as well as folks working with our individuals at their jobs, nurses, transportation providers, etc. There may be an instance or two where someone should also be included if they helped the primary team with an individual’s achievements. We do ask that anyone you list as part of your nominated team be an employee at Continuum of Colorado, part-time included. You can nominate your own team! Not only is this accepted, but it is also highly suggested! Nobody knows the accomplishments and contributions of the people that work for you as you do, so please share it with the rest of the organization. This is your chance to shine as a group!

Please do keep in mind that nominations are due by 5 pm Thursday, February 24, 2022, so if you want any assistance please request several days in advance of the deadline.

Have questions? Contact Leane Kramer for help at l.kramer@continuumcolo.org or 303-882-4227.

List the team name and then all members of that team

Please type/write a brief summary using the lines provided on the next page, telling us why the team you are nominating deserves recognition, making sure to include information from the following criteria:

•    Person-centeredness – how do they recognize the wishes or Interests of those they serve and apply them to daily living?

•    Activities/accomplishments in assisting the individual supported to achieve person-centered, positive outcomes – how has the Team’s support affected the life of the person or people they serve?

•    Description of the relationships they have developed with the person(s) they support.

•    Creativity and innovation - unique problem-solving skills and implementation of new projects.

•    Examples of advocacy or effecting change with or on behalf of people with disabilities.

•    Examples of “setting a new standard” of service, going above and beyond the types of service historically offered by our agency.

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