Data Sharing Request Form
Please list the legal address to be incorporated within the data sharing agreement.
Please enter "N/A" if no other researchers are participating.
Refer to the trial record(s) listed in and/or
Please include the study titles and numbers, as they are listed within and/or
Briefly describe the intended use of the data and pertinent background information supporting this use.
Briefly describe the proposed approach and intended outcomes of the research.
Briefly describe the quantitative measurements required by and supporting the research objectives.
(if requesting a dataset, specify data attributes/chracteristics/variables/images requested)
Please provide a brief but detailed description of the plan.
Provide details of any planned presentations and/or publications including the intended conference(s) or target journal(s) and timing. If there are no plans to publish, please explain.
Please provide a brief summary of relevant scientific/statistical experience and expertise of the research team in support of the proposed research.
Are there existing CDA/NDAs in place between Blueprint Medicines and any of the proposed researchers and/or institutions?
If "Yes", please provide details for each pertinent CDA/NDA including date of execution and with whom the agreement was entered.
Are you aware of any real or perceived conflicts of interest related to this research?
If "Yes" please provide details of any and all real or perceived conflicts of interest, with justification supporting this data request including any funding, salary(ies), and/or ownership conflicts of the planned researchers and/or their institutions/employers.