Volunteer TAP/AAB Candidate Application


To qualify to participate on the AAB or TAP, candidates should minimally meet the following requirements:

A graduate of an accredited institution of higher education holding a bachelor’s degree in industrial hygiene, chemistry, physics, engineering, biology or other scientific discipline.

Engaged a majority of his/her time in analytical laboratory activities (analysis or interpretation of data) for at least five years. Consultants and those retired from analytical laboratory activities are acceptable candidates, as well as those representing government and academic laboratories.

Be familiar with ISO/IEC 17025 and AIHA LAP Accreditation Policies

Information submitted by applicants is considered confidential. Information will be shared with the AAB and TAP Appointment Committee and appropriate AIHA LAP staff.

The AAB and TAP Appointment Committee shall remove a candidate application from consideration if the applicant is directly employed by AIHA LAP (full/part-time employee or fee-for-service consultant/contractor); or if he or she is employed with a vendor with whom AIHA LAP does business and is directly assigned to a project contracted by AIHA LAP.

Analytical Accreditation Board (AAB)

The Analytical Accreditation Board oversees the governance and processes related to the AIHA LAP in accordance with documented roles and responsibilities. The goal of governance is to have a process that is inclusive, transparent, and representative of the varied issues facing laboratories.

AAB members are required to attend meetings (in person or virtual) each year which may be held in the first, second and fourth quarters. AIHA LAP may cover hotel and flight expenses to each of these meetings. AAB members are also required to participate in the AAB balloting process (for laboratories being considered for accreditation and re-accreditation) and AAB conference calls that may be arranged as needed.

At any given time, the AIHA LAP program is looking for qualified individuals. Programs include IHLAP, ELLAP, EMLAP, FoodLAP, and Unique Scopes. We also welcome applications from accredited laboratories, academia, stakeholders, and regulators of the laboratory industry.

For more details on each of the AIHA LAP programs, please visit http://www.aihaaccreditedlabs.org

Representation for each program is generally broken out as follows:

Twelve (12) individuals will be appointed to represent all aspects of the AIHA LAP and accredited laboratories, academia, stakeholders and regulators of the laboratory industry;

Three (3) individuals will serve in officer positions (Chair, Vice Chair and Past Chair);

Liaison to the AIHA Board of Directors

Chief Site Assessor

Managing Director, AIHA LAP (or designee)

AAB members have the authority for AIHA LAP accreditation decision making. This responsibility includes approval, denial, suspension, or withdrawal of accreditation. Annually, members must vote on proposed revisions to AIHA LAP policies. Occasionally, the AAB members may be required to vote on a formal decision that is unrelated to a laboratory’s routine accreditation cycle and participate in a letter ballot process.

In between meetings, members of the AAB are expected to participate in and contribute to permanent and ad hoc task forces appointed by the AAB or its chair, to electronically or otherwise vote on matters requiring AAB vote, and to participate in conference calls as requested.

In all, participation on the AAB carries with it a significant amount of responsibility and effort. In return for your efforts, you will have the opportunity to participate in an important process, contribute back to your profession, and to work with outstanding industry leaders.

Technical Advisory Panel (TAP)

The Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) advises the Analytical Accreditation Board (AAB) that oversees the governance and processes related to the AIHA LAP. The TAP thoroughly reviews accreditation applications (IHLAP, ELLAP, EMLAP, FoodLAP, and Unique Scopes) and performs a review of the accreditation process steps to ensure conformance to the process and to technical requirements.

Throughout their service term, TAP Members are expected to attend TAP training and meetings (as necessary), participate in, and contribute to permanent and ad hoc task forces appointed by the AAB, and to participate in conference calls as requested. AIHA LAP may cover hotel and flight expenses to the annual meeting.

In all, participation on TAP carries with it a significant amount of responsibility and effort. In return for your efforts, you will have the opportunity to participate in an important process, contribute to your profession, and network with outstanding laboratory industry leaders.

Combine all files you would like to upload into a zip folder and attach here:

Drag and drop files here or

Being a member of the AAB or TAP is an important and time-consuming obligation.

AAB: On average, the duties of members take approximately up to 4 hours per month; duties of chair, vice chair, and past chair may take an additional 4 hours per month. Your position on the AAB will typically require you to travel at least three times annually (AIHA LAP may cover hotel and flight expenses) and to participate in meetings via conference call in between face-to-face meetings. Please refer to the AAB Member Roles and Responsibilities document for more details.

TAP:    Being a TAP member is an important obligation. On average, a TAP member will spend approximately 12 hours per month on TAP and AIHA LAP-related issues. As well, your position on the TAP will typically require you to travel at least once for orientation (AIHA LAP may cover hotel and flight expenses) and to participate in meetings via teleconferences in between face-to-face meetings. Please refer to the TAP Member Roles and Responsibilities document for more details.

If appointed to AAB or TAP, you must be able to attend an orientation meeting in the first quarter of the following year. Additionally, AAB Members are typically required to attend three meetings (total) per year. Exact dates and times pending.

Will you, your family, and your employer provide the time and resources to fulfill such duties?*
If you applied for AAB only and are not selected, would you like to be considered for the Technical Advisory Panel (TAP)?*
