DMPED Grants Report Form

DMPED requires that narrative and financial reports be submitted on a schedule established within your executed grant agreement.

If you have questions about who your Project Manager is, please email

Grantee's Information

Please enter your work email address. This will allow for you to receive status updates on your request submitted.


Grant Information

Select DMPED Project Manager's email here.

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Please select FY you were awarded.

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ID number can be found at the top of the executed agreement or within the first paragraph.

PO # can be found in your welcome package email

Please insert the business name listed on the executed grant agreement.

Please insert the amount awarded from DMPED.

Grants Return on Investment Information

The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) collects information from grantees to ascertain and report on the grant's impact on the local economy.

Please answer the questions below as applicable. The answers will assist the District in determining the return on investment of DMPED grants and programs on economic development and economic activity for the development of future programs.

The number includes full-time and part-time. Please only add new employees.

Did the grant support the creation of community development programs (e.g. youth development activities, community events)

•    If yes, briefly describe it in one sentence.

Attach Report and Comments

Please upload required grant report here.

Drag and drop files here or

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