To complete the Graduate Portfolio Program in Integrated Behavioral Health, students must:
1. Complete four (4) approved courses, with one course in each of the following areas: (1) integrated practice, (2) social determinants of health, (3) evidenced-based practice, and (4) organizational dynamics, ethics, or communication. Courses must total a minimum of 9 credit hours of graduate coursework;
2. Complete at least two (2) of the four (4) courses listed in item 1 above outside the student’s primary academic discipline;
3. Complete at least 50 hours of documented field-based internship/practicum training or volunteer work in an integrated behavioral health setting, or complete an alternative clinical or related experience as proposed by the student and approved by the IBH portfolio committee; and
4. Deliver a presentation on an integrated topic of the student’s choosing, either to a professional audience in the clinical field-based setting or to a designated group of faculty associated with the portfolio, or complete an alternate project as approved by the IBH portfolio committee.
Courses taken on a credit/no credit basis may be used for the portfolio. Students must still maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher for their graded coursework in the portfolio. Students should consult with their graduate advisor to make sure they are meeting the requirements for their graduate program.
APPROVED COURSES for the Portfolio can be accessed at this link: