Strengthening Families Protective Factors Training Request Form

Thank you for your interest in a Strengthening Families Protective Factors Training. The Strengthening Families Framework is a research-informed approach to focusing on family strengths, mitigating the effects of toxic stress, and reducing the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. The framework focuses on engaging all families, programs and communities.

Please fill out the form below so that the Childhood Prosperity Lab team can prepare a curriculum that best supports your goals. Upon completion, someone from our team will contact you within five business days.

Contact Information


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Course Selection

Select the course/s you are interested in from the menu below. Please note that training series should always begin with an introduction course; each training is two hours long; and the wrap-up course is most effective when the entire training series is requested. You may select as few or many courses as you wish.

Training Considerations

How many participants should we expect at this time?
Do you have a preference for how the training is delivered?

What short and/or long-term goals does your team have for this training?

How familiar is your team with the Protective Factors?


Please note that each course is two hours long. If you are requesting multiple courses, please factor this time into the availability you offer below.

Please indicate which days and times of the week work best for your team: