Office of Research Facilities Space Request
The Office of Research manages Riverbend Research Labs North and South for use by campus units as temporary, flexible research space to accommodate the dynamic needs of the numerous colleges, departments, centers, and institutes on campus. These facilities may provide short-term solutions to satisfy urgent programmatic needs across single or multiple disciplines.
User Fees: These facilities are managed with accompanying user fees to support their daily operations and shared resources; example resources include autoclaves, washers, DI water, etc. User fees are assessed by a cost-sharing plan among the units housed in the facility, wherein a formula based on the respective unit’s percentage of occupied lab space is applied. User fees are collected by invoicing the respective unit on a yearly basis.
Space Allocation Decisions: Units may submit a request for space in these facilities by completing the information on this form and submitting it as indicated. Requests will be reviewed by the Office of Research Space Committee, with the committee’s recommendation going to the Vice President for Research for final decision. The committee is chaired by staff within the Office of Research. Several factors will be taken into consideration when reviewing and approving requests, including but not limited to suitability, demand, other available resources, and associated external funding:
- Suitability: Will the requested space meet the needs of the investigator(s)? Is the space in the appropriate condition for investigator occupancy? Are there additional gains by locating the investigator(s) in the requested space (e.g., proximity to related researchers or equipment)? Is the expected duration of time aligned with the goal(s) of the proposed request and consistent with typical occupancy durations for this facility?
- Demand: Is the space request commensurate with the programmatic direction of the academic unit/center? Is the academic unit/center at capacity with respect to their current assigned space?
- Other Available Resources: Does the requesting unit have other available space solutions?
- External Funding: How will the requested space enable the capability of the investigator(s) to secure or expand their funding portfolio? Will the investigator(s) and/or their accompanying unit be able to support the user fee structure for the facility?
The request should identify the proposed investigator(s) who will be occupying the space. Any subsequent change in investigator over the duration of the occupancy must be re-approved by the Office of Research. It is understood that funding situations for an investigator are fluid on a multi-year timescale and can be subject to change. Nonetheless, it is expected the brief justification will include some discussion of funding in relation to this request.
During review, the committee may follow up with additional questions or request a meeting for clarification. By submitting a request, the unit agrees to cooperate in any further information gathering if requested by the Office of Research Space Committee. Information requested may pertain to any of the above criteria, including associated external funding through Sponsored Projects Administration or current space usage through an on-site review.
Company Use: When a unit request for space is granted, the space may not be used for any company purposes (including by faculty startup companies). Startup company or other company space requests should be directed to the Innovation Gateway Incubator Program.