Request for:

-Asbestos Assessment Survey

-Preliminary Abatement Cost Estimate

Federal and state regulations require that an asbestos survey be completed prior to any maintenance, renovation, demolition, restoration, or similar activity, regardless or the project's size or age of building. Renovations include minor alterations (drilling, flooring replacement, ceiling tile replacement, patch and painting, etc). EHS does NOT charge a fee for this service. Please complete the following form to request an asbestos survey or budgetary analysis for your project. For general questions or assistance with this form, please contact Michael Lee with EHS at (614) 688-3963.

Requester's Information

Request Type*

Asbestos Assessment Survey (Also Known as a NESHAP Survey) -are required prior to all renovation, demolition, maintenance, installation, restoration, repair, flooring, patch and paint, and other similar projects or activities involving the disturbance of any building materials, regardless of the buildings age.

Preliminary Asbestos/Hazardous Materials Cost Estimate - This option does NOT include an asbestos assessment survey. An asbestos assessment survey will be required prior to the start of the project.

Details of Project or Concern

Start Typing Building Name or Number and/or Select From List

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Please provide project number or work order number. Enter N/A if none.

Please provide detailed reason for request.

Please provide exact room numbers for each location where work will occur and provide detailed scope of work for each location. This assessment will be limited to the spaces listed here.

Please provide additional details of Project. List all building materials likely to be impacted by work. This assessment will be limited to the building materials listed here.

If available, please upload helpful documents (e.g. scope drawings). Photos are helpful, especially for pipe leaks or small amounts of damaged material.

Drag and drop files here or

Please provide access information (e.g. contact info for key holders, hours open, access codes, etc.). REQUIRED: Include the phone number and email of key holder.

Except for emergencies, please allow 10 to 15 business days from date of request.

Will this project involve removal, installation, renovation, demolition, or other disturbance of any of the items, scenarios, or location types listed below? Check all that apply.

Please provide specific details for work related to any of the items listed above.

By submitting this request, the requestor acknowledges that complete details of the project's scope of work has been provided. The requestor understands that they are responsible for submitting a new asbestos assessment request if the project's scope of work expands that will result in disturbance of additional building materials and/or spaces in or on the building.

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By submitting this request, I understand that the information provided by EHS will be a preliminary hazardous materials cost estimates only. This cost estimate is not considered an asbestos assessment survey. I acknowledge that I am responsible for submitting a formal asbestos assessment survey request once the final scope of work is established. Actual hazardous materials abatement costs are subject to change based on the findings of of the asbestos assessment survey.

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