Registered Student Organization (RSO) Registration

The San Jacinto College District is committed to equal opportunity for all students, employees, and applicants without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, pregnancy, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, genetic information, marital status, or veteran status in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.

All student organizations must be advised that, by law, Registered Student Organization Status may only be granted if the organization is in compliance with the college’s Equal Opportunity Statement above, and with Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1974 as currently amended. In order to comply with Title IX, your organization must provide equal opportunity for full participation by either sex and must not discriminate on the basis of sex in any area of activity or membership in the organization. In the case of Sports clubs, separate teams (men/women), where necessary, may be organized as long as equal opportunity exists for either sex to form a team. Honorary and professional organizations that are exempt from Title IX must furnish proof by letter from their national office.

San Jacinto College cannot be held responsible for accidents and/or injuries incurred through activities on or off campus sponsored by registered student organizations. Students are adults and are responsible for their own actions. Students and student organizations may not act on behalf of the institution unless specifically authorized to do so.

If you are interested in forming a district organization, please contact the Student Engagement Office. You may also refer to the RSO Handbook for more information.


Must include a minimum of 5 members including 1 President and 1 SGA Representative

At least 1 advisor is REQUIRED (Advisors must be full-time faculty or exempt, non-hourly full-time staff. Please refer to the RSO Handbook for more information.)

Please attach current constitution/bylaws with all officer signatures. Signatures may be physical or dynamic stamped.

Drag and drop files here or

Enter your SJC Email Address

1. The above-named organization does and will comply with Title IX, San Jacinto College policies, and all applicable Federal and State regulations.

2. A current copy of the organization’s constitution and bylaws will be on file in the Office of Student Engagement & Support.

3. We have read the current edition of the Student Engagement & Support’s policies and the Student Organization Guide and agree to conduct business and activities in accordance with the guidelines set forth in these documents.

4. The Officers of the organization are students and meet the requirements for student leaders in accordance with the

San Jacinto College policy.

As an officer of the above-named organization, I agree.

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