Health Information Network (HIN) Quarterly Attestation
State Fiscal Year 2025
This form provides attestation if the hospital participates and is connected to one of the two statewide HINs: Mississippi Hospital Association (MHA) and the Mississippi State Medical Association (MSMA).
In SFY 2025, in order to receive the HIN portion of the QIPP payment, hospitals will be required to certify their actual connection to, and participation in, a statewide HIN. The statewide HIN to which the hospital is connected must have the capability to receive admit, discharge and transfer (ADT) information from the hospital and transmit that information to Medicaid and/or its designee.
The hospitals’ HIN connection is expected to support clinical and ADT data sharing for Medicaid beneficiaries receiving care at their hospitals. During SFY 2025, but not later than the end of the first quarter ended September 30, 2024, hospitals will be required to submit ADT information to the HIN and attest to that submission in order to receive the HIN component of QIPP.