New Account Request Form

Accounts will be established within 3 business days as long as the request includes all information needed to correctly establish the account. If additional information must be requested, additional time will be needed to establish the account.

This individual has been authorized to request the establishment of a new departmental account. This field requires an email address.

The individual that will be responsible for any transactions that are posted on the account. Also in order for PI’s to view any information in MAESTRO. This field requires an email address.

9-digit identification number of the responsible person

Has the responsible person listed completed the Disbursement of Funds Training in the past 12 months (Course 11021)?

STOP Disbursement of Funds Training Must be completed in the past 12 months before this form can be submitted!

Drag and drop files here or
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35 characters including spaces and dashes. The title will need to correspond to the purpose of the account.

If applicable.

Detailed information of the purpose of the account will help determine the true function of the account. Detailed description required, including source of funds, if available please attach documentation.

Source of Funds*
Cost Sharing (If applicable)
Cost Sharing Funding Source

Is there more than 1 Cost Sharing Funding Source

Type of Fund

Time and Effort Verify
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Draw Down*
Draw Down System*
Type of Funding Source*

Choose one option only.

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Is this a Vendor Relationship?
Will a list of functions and their descriptions assist in determining the best use of funds?
Use of Funds*

Please select the function that will best classify what the funds will be spent on. Determination of the function code is very important in coding of account for reporting purposes.

Instruction – 10 : All activities that are part of an institution’s instruction program; Credit & Non Credit courses; academic, vocational, and technical instruction; remedial and tutorial instructions; and regular; special and extension sessions.

Research – 15: Activities specifically organized to produce research, whether commissioned by an agency external to the institution or separately budgeted by an organizational unit within the institution. Categories includes: Institutes and Research Centers, Individual and Project Research, and Research Information Technology.

Public Service – 20: Provide non-instructional services beneficial to individuals & groups external to the institution; conferences, institutes, general advisory services, reference bureaus, radio and television consulting.

Academic Support – 25: Support services for the institution’s primary missions: instruction, research and public service; Libraries, museums & galleries; services that directly assist the academic functions of the institution, computing support, academic administration

Student Services – 30: Admissions, registrar and activities with the primary purpose of contributing to student well-being and intellectual, cultural and social development outside of formal instruction program; Student activities, cultural events, student newspapers, intramural athletics, student organizations, counseling and career guidance, student aid administration, student health services, student admissions.

Institutional Support -35: Central, executive-level activities concerned with management and long range planning for the entire institution, such as the governing board, planning and programming operations, and legal services; fiscal operations; space management, employee personnel and records; logistical activities that provide procurement, storerooms, printing; transportation services

Operation & Maintenance of Plant-40: Physical Plant administration; building maintenance; custodial services, utilities; landscape and grounds maintenance; safety and security;

Scholarships/Fellowships – 60: Grants-in-aid to students, trainee stipends, and awards, tuition and fee waivers and prizes

Auxiliary – 70: Furnish goods or services to students, faculty, staff, other institutional departments, and charges a fee directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost of goods or services; Residence halls, food services, intercollegiate athletics, parking, student health services

Research Activity*

Select Research Activity

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Research - Area of Special Interest-If Applicable
Character of Work*
Selection Process*
Salary Savings Distribution?*

Any type of restrictions that need to be noted on the account will need to be added here. This will help with making sure unallowable expenses are not posted to the account. There can also be sub-code edits added on the account to restrict any of these expenses.

Please provide an account number, if applicable.

What is the provision for retaining title to equipment purchased with these funds?


3 digit number

Pick 1 or more from the list.

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Support Account*

Yes - these types of transactions will be allowed to post on the support account only

No - these types of transactions will be not allowed to post on the support account

Both - these types of transactions will be allowed to post on both the base account and support account

Budget Expense*
Budget Revenue*
Actual Expense*
Actual Revenue*

Please include any additional comments or notes that will assist in completing this form.