Stephen T. Dooley Community Service Scholarship

Award Criteria:

* Nominee must be a student in good standing at a high school in Nassau, Queens, Kings, or Richmond County.

* Nominee must have an exemplary record of volunteer service for the betterment of his or her community.

* This award is not based on grades.

* Nominee must be a positive role model.

* Nominee will be judged on his/her community service involvement throughout high school.

$1,000 will be awarded to a 2025 high school graduate who has shown exemplary community service, to be used towards college expenses. This award will be in the form of a check mailed to the education institution/college selected by the winner, to be placed in the student’s account for educational needs.

To Apply:

* Complete the online application.

* You will need to provide the name of your guidance counselor.

* A phone number for your guidance office must also be provided.

* Upload a list of voluntary activities you participated in during your 4 years in high school showing dates of involvement, the approximate number of hours devoted to the activity, special recognition or awards you received for Community Service, and any other pertinent information you would like to have considered for this scholarship award. (A pdf file is preferred)

Note: This award is NOT based on grades.

*If possible have your Community Service Involvement signed by a school official.

The application must be submitted by March 5, 2025.

Name & address of the high school you are currently attending

Name of the college you are considering for the fall

Volunteer Activity submission verified and signed by your guidance counselor. Attach a list of voluntary activities you participated in during your 4 years of high school showing dates of involvement, approximate number of hours devoted to the activity, special recognition or awards you received for Community Service and any other pertinent information you would like to have considered for this scholarship award. (Note: This award is NOT based on grades.)

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