Okanogan County Resident Questionnaire

2024 CWPP Update and Overview:

The Okanogan Conservation District is working with Okanogan County and other partners to update the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). First developed in 2009 and last updated 2013, the CWPP is a vital document for the future of wildfire resiliency in Okanogan County. We will use up-to-date information and fire modeling to assess local hazards and identify strategic investments to mitigate wildfire risk and promote preparedness.

Community Engagement and Survey Objectives:

Community engagement is a vital aspect of CWPP development and implementation. We plan to have upcoming area meetings open to the public where we will address items listed below and dive deeper into community values and priorities for projects. To help us collect initial insights, we ask that residents, homeowners, and individuals who own businesses in Okanogan County take a moment to complete this questionnaire. Please complete all of the questions below to help us learn about values, needs, and concerns related to wildfire risk and community preparedness.

It will take 10-15 minutes to complete this survey. Your answers will be kept confidential and the insights we gather from your responses will help prioritize countywide needs and projects for the 2024 CWPP. We greatly appreciate your time on this questionnaire.

Please contact Okanogan CD’s Outreach Coordinator, Emmy Engle, with any questions regarding this questionnaire:

emmy@okanogancd.org or 509-429-5272

Section 1 of 4

Section 1: About you and your home/property/business

(Select all that apply)

(If selected above, please identify area)

(If selected above, please identify area)

(Select all that apply)

(Select all that apply)

(If selected above, please explain)

(Select all that apply)

(If selected above, please explain)

How long have your lived in or owned a business in Okanogan County?

Section 2 of 4

Section 2a: Wildfire knowledge (8 questions)

Please select the degree to which you agree or disagree.

I understand the degree to which our community is at risk from wildfires.
I know steps I can take to reduce wildfire hazards on and around my home/business/property.
I would consider cutting trees for wildland fire protection on my own property.
I support cutting of trees for wildland fire protection on open spaces across the community.
I support cutting of trees along roads to enhance the safety of roads in case of an evacuation.
I support land managers such as the U.S. Forest Service or WA Department of Natural Resources cutting trees to mitigate wildfire risk on public land around the community.
I support pile burning to eliminate woody material created by fire mitigation actions.
I support prescribed (controlled) burning to reduce wildfire risk in open spaces around or adjacent to the community.

Section 2 of 4

Section 2b: Wildfire concerns (11 questions)

Please select how concerned you are about the following issues if a wildfire were to occur in the community.

Receiving timely and accurate information about the incident.
Evacuating safely and promptly.
Damage to my home/business/property.
Loss of life.
Impacts to my livelihood.
Damage to wildlife habitat.
Loss of recreational opportunities.
Decreased beauty of my property and open spaces across the community.
Loss of insurance coverage due to wildfire risk.
Poor air quality due to smoke.
Post-fire erosion and flooding.

Section 3 of 4

Section 3a: Reducing wildfire hazards

(Please check all that apply)

I have completed the following work to my home/business/property to lessen the risk of wildfire and prepare for potential evacuations:

(If selected above, please explain)

Section 3 of 4

Section 3b: Identifying barriers

(Please check all that apply)

Which of the following factors might keep you from undertaking actions to reduce wildfire risk on your property?

Section 3 of 4

Section 3c: Overcoming barriers

(Please check all that apply)

Which of the following would encourage and enable you to reduce the wildfire risk on your property?

Section 3 of 4

Section 3d: Evacuation information (10 questions)

Please select how concerned you are about the following issues.

My family members or I have physical limitations that would make it difficult for us to evacuate promptly.
My neighbors have physical limitations that would make it difficult for them to evacuate promptly.
I have children that might be home alone when an evacuation occurs.
My neighbors have children that might be home alone when an evacuation occurs.
My community does not have enough roads to handle evacuation traffic.
I do not know where to go if asked to evacuate.
I might not receive timely information about the need to evacuation.
It would take me over 20 minutes to gather my personal belongings and pets to evacuate.
The ability to access resources needed to evacuate pets and livestock (cattle, sheep, horses, etc.) and/or finding a place for them to go.
Losing property, items of cultural/historical importance, business, crop/product, or livelihood.
Does your family have an evacuation plan for if a wildfire were to occur in the community?

Section 4 of 4

Section 4: Education and resources

Select all that apply.

(If selected above, please explain)

Select all that apply.

(If selected above, please explain)

If you are part of a community or organization that has existing action plans, maps, documents, or any other information that could assist in the CWPP update, please attach it here. You can also contact Eli Loftis directly at eli@okanogancd.org.

Drag and drop files here or

Thank you for your time! Stay updated on the process?

For updates on this process, please put your information below or wait for the next page after submitting this form.
