School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan Submission for the 2023 - 2024 School Year

If you have any questions or require assistance with this form please contact the Oregon Department of Education's Health in Education team at (formerly

General Information

School-Level Communicable Disease Management Plan (CDMP) for the 2023 - 2024 School Year

Each district and public charter schools must submit assurances of completed School-level CDMP's to ODE by August 25, 2023 or prior to the start of the school year, whichever comes first. The School-Level CDMP combines the requirements for ESSER III Operational Plans, and a Communicable Disease Management Plan (CDMP), while also fitting within overall emergency operations planning, striving for a coordinated agency response while enhancing a school’s communicable disease management for the 2023 -2024 school year. To best support schools, a School-Level CDMP template aligned to guidance from the federal and state health and safety measures, is offered here. Please read the instructions and tools document prior to completing the operational plan.

School districts, ESD's, public charter schools, and sponsoring entities must ensure:

School staff, students, and family engagement: Please list efforts you have made to engage your staff, students, and families (public health information sharing, taking feedback on planning, etc.) in preparing this plan or in the annual updating of the plan. These efforts may align with your school or districts processes to develop past Operational Blueprints (2020-21 school year), Safe Return to In Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plans (2021-2022 school year), School-Level COVID-19 Management Plans (2022-2023 school year), or efforts in support of Aligning for Student Success. Include information on engagement with communities often underserved and marginalized by school and health systems, and those communities disproportionately impacted by communicable diseases.


Each district and public charter school is required to certify the following:

By signing this document, I agree to each of the certifications listed above and further certify that: To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information and data included in this plan are true and correct.

Please type in your full name to acknowledge that to the best of your knowledge and belief, all information and data included with this plan are true and correct.